Skytake Knowledge Base

Campaign Settings

Skytake has a lot of features, And in this guide, I will explain to you the most important ones.

General Settings Section

Display trigger

4 types of triggers to select from ( Random, Exit-intent, Scrolling down X amount, After X seconds ).

Subscription reminder ( Not subscribe )

When to re-display the popup lightbox for a visitor that saw the popup but did not subscribe.

Subscription reminder ( subscribe )

Set when to re-display the popup for subscribers.

Welcome Email Section

If you enable this feature an email will be sent immediately when someone subscribes.

Some shortcodes you can use if Woocommerce is enabled.

[coupon_value]: Fixed value or percentage, depending on the discount type you have chosen.

[coupon_code]: Code used by the customer to apply the coupon.

[coupon_expiry_date]: Date the coupon should expire and can no longer be used.

[store_button]: When clicked customers will be redirected to your shop.


See filters guide


See How to use Woocommerce Coupons guide


See How to connect Mailchimp

Urgency (Countdown Timer)

See Urgency (Countdown Timer)


See How to customize your popup

Welcome Email

If enabled a welcome email will be sent immediately when a person subscribes.